The Two Mediators consult. They have never met but have “heard” of each other. They quickly realise the size of the challenge that faces them in the City of Hedgewood. Their mutual motivation is to Help the City and to solve the problem presented by the Three Groups – the Ukrainian refugees, the Yemeni Refugees, and the UK citizens. They realise that they need to think imaginatively.
They introduce themselves to the Three Groups – in separate meetings – and explain their thinking + encourage each Group to set up its own 3 personal teams of Leaders with whom the Mediators can meet.
They meet with Government + persuade them that, if successful, with their strategy in Hedgewood they will provide a blueprint for other cities to follow and, here, knowing that funds are limited in Government, they propose that Whitehall meets every £ for £ raised in Hedgewood.
The Mediators also meet with the Police to understand the make-up of the Three Groups and the threats to security from some of the Ukrainians and Yemenis who have moved furtively among the incoming refugees but with a separate long term agenda.
The Mediators, significantly, meet with local business people and here the approach is ‘Loyalty to the City’ – an attempt to build a Hedgewoood-wide consensus designed to link Business with the across-the-board Hedgewood Community Initiative. The Mediators have drafted a List of Six Entrepreneurs upon whom the fund-raising initiative rests.
The Mediators also meet with the two local MP’s and, separately, with the Council to inform them of their outline plans.
The Mediators recognise the scale of the undertaking. They are both sensible “feet-on-the-ground people.” The Head Teacher is female and the retired Local Councillor is male. Their task is to produce a plan for submission to the Council Chief Executive. Their fees are reasonable + agreed upon.
EPISODE 3. 12 MAY 2022