Written by Graham Perry

Graham Perry M.A. Cantab FCIArb Experienced Arbitration Lawyer | China & Chinese Business Affairs | Public Speaker/Lecturer

12 March 2021


You are a sole mediator negotiating a financial arrangement following the divorce of an husband + wife (with young children) still in strife mode. Things are not going well. Suddenly there is an explosion – a dispute over the house paintings – no money value but emotional value of significance – triggers an outpouring of mutual recrimination/resentment. Bad language flies around the room.

Is it end of the mediation? Or is it, in fact, the beginning of the mediation? Isn’t it the case that this sad state of affairs offers you an opportunity to bring your mediation skills into play. It’s a truism but often “things have to get worse before they can get better”. The trading of insults emphasises the need for a separation of the relationship, the assets + their lives.

If you are skillful + sensitive + trusted you have a big opportunity to help the parties to disentangle themselves from the past. The outburst is the door opener for you, not the exit. You are more in need that at any time.
See the positives not the negatives

Anyone reading this scenario been in this situation?

#familystrife #angermanagement #mediationforfamilies #adrforpeople



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