Standards Of Behaviour

Standards Of Behaviour

Written by Graham Perry

Graham Perry M.A. Cantab FCIArb Experienced Arbitration Lawyer | China & Chinese Business Affairs | Public Speaker/Lecturer

19 February 2021

Yesterday morning I wrote about dispute resolvers need for integrity and character.

Today I focus on standards of behaviour – an essential part of a dispute resolver’s make up.

Ego is the danger here. We all need some ego because ego and self-confidence go together but too much ego is destructive. It distorts the norms of judgment as the dispute resolver (DR) moves away from calm objective analysis + action towards subjective intervention.

Excess Ego (EE) is apparent when the DR allows necessary self-confidence to develop into over-bearing + over-assertive behaviour. A chair is not there to dominate or to impose. She/He is the first among equals and must always be collegiate, polite, inclusive and respectful.

The DR needs to keep a check on himself/herself. Self-control + self-awareness matters. Ditch it and you set yourself above the proceedings and affect the whole process. Be confident but be modest. Intervene but do not over-intervene. Resist quips + asides.

Instead, be respectful and always appreciate that everybody present is a part of the whole with a role to play.



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