First Moments Matter.
Be yourself – don’t be a phoney or artificial. Some mediators act like that because the moment gets to them. Sometimes you have to fight to be natural. A contradiction in terms but not really. Think about it. You are the centre of attention. Expectation is high. You should be alert, on your mettle, and feeling the pressure. After all – all eyes are on you. The parties are at loggerheads + it is up to you/your character/your personality, + your brains, to take charge and get some momentum.
So what you say + how you say it is important. You need to get the right tone/the right meaning/the right words.
Is it word-for-word recitation from a prepared note or is it bullet points. The answer is – What Works Best. You can read out a note of introduction + sound dull/stodgy/cloud creating. You can also read out the note + sound lively + impart confidence + enthusiasm. It depends on the inner you. Do you sense things?
I will talk about this more over the next days and weeks.
Many thanks for the sharing. Btw, say what you say, doesnt it? How about say what you think? Tks.