I Want To Be An Arbitrator

I want to be an arbitrator

Written by Graham Perry

Graham Perry M.A. Cantab FCIArb Experienced Arbitration Lawyer | China & Chinese Business Affairs | Public Speaker/Lecturer

26 March 2021


No one grows up saying “I want to be an arbitrator”. You start somewhere else + you gravitate toward arbitration +/or mediation as you experience dispute resolution in one form or another. It is a journey.

You may find yourself involved in a work dispute or assisting a friend who is having employment difficulties or social/personal issues. These things happen. Problems occur + people with dispute resolution skills come to the fore.

People notice that you listen, you ask relevant questions, you show feeling + understanding, you are a lighthouse in the storm. You think forward + wonder if there is a future career in resolving employment or contract or personal issues for others. You make enquiries + you come across arbitration + mediation + you find you can do a course or two + pick up an accreditation. You have something to work on.

Now, where to go? Is there a career out there? Do you have the skills? Can you make a living? All good questions. Take them to step by step. Speak to people, keep your ears pinned back, go for synergy + make things happen. Perhaps an article or two + polish up your speaking skills so you can make an impact. You do need to think “self-promotion”.


1 Comment

  1. Amit Chaudhry

    very well said and most of the time, its accidental rather than a choice but once you are in, you never wanna leave, thanks Graham


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