
Written by Graham Perry

Graham Perry M.A. Cantab FCIArb Experienced Arbitration Lawyer | China & Chinese Business Affairs | Public Speaker/Lecturer

9 July 2021


A note to let you know that a 7-day family break in the Cotswolds means a temporary interruption in my daily posts on Arbitration/Mediation. So, no new storyline today. Nest Post on 17 July 2021

Not quite the end of the story because positive feedback shows there is a need for this kind of column which concentrates on issues that arise in an arbitration or mediation. The stimulus is football and the Referee’s focus on Match Incidents and the questions that follow an important decision/incident.

What happens next? Did I make a mistake? Did I read the signals incorrectly? Had I lost my concentration? Or did I get it right? And is there a need for a post-mortem?

This is not being taught. It does not happen on a regular ongoing and improving basis. Dispute Resolvers need to talk about problems that crop up. We need each other to bounce thoughts, ideas, and incidents. Otherwise, how do we improve?

Self-questioning works but only to a limited extent. We need to open the windows and share the sunshine and the rain.

An apology – I am learning the technology but much remains to be done especially accessing Junk messages. Bear with me. Thanks. You can also find me on Linked In.

Back with the Posts on Saturday 17 July.

All the Best




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